How To Play

The object is to place blue markers on the matrix from one blue edge to the other in an unbroken chain against the red attempting to do the same thing from one red edge to the other. Only one side can achieve such a chain. To place a marker, merely click on an empty hex of the matrix. To change a marker, click on an occumpied hex.


Main Menu
Game ButtonClick to reveal the Game Sub Menu
Chain ButtonClick to reveal the Chain Sub Menu
Piece to Move MarkerThe marker symbol indicates the next side to move. If a number appears next to it, it indicates that the board is unbalanced with regards to the markers of that color. Blue always plays first, so a balanced board will have the same number, or one more than the number of blue markers than red ones.
Compute ButtonClick to compute a move for the side next to move.
UndoClick to undo the last move made.

Game Sub Menu
Load ButtonYou can save a game to a browser cookie. Click the Load button to bring it back.
Save ButtonClick to save the current game to a browser cookie.
Clear ButtonClear the current game for solitaire play.
1st ButtonClick to begin a new game where you play first and the computer plays second.
2nd ButtonClick to begin a new game where you play second and the computer plays first.

Chain Sub Menu
Red Marker Show ButtonDuring its move computation, the computer calculates a chain from one edge of the matrix to the other. Click this button to display that chain for the current move.
Blue Marker Show ButtonClick to reveal the calculated chain for the current move.

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This web site has been written and distributed by

James Larson
Programmer/Analyst Consultant
E-mail address
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